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martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Puede una empresa diferente a los monstruos capitalistas sobrevivir o triunfar?

A últimas fechas he tenido bastantes momentos de reflexión. De manera personal considero que el sistema capitalista, tal cual lo tenemos hoy no está diseñado para hacer mejor la vida de todos, sino de algunos cuantos

Aún así dentro de este mundo donde se gana dinero para ganar más dinero, hay algunas empresas que destacan por sus modelos atrevidos y diferentes que retan a los paradigmas más arraigados de nuestra sociedad y ambiente laboral

Una de estas empresas es Wholefoods. Una empresa de alimentos orgánicos que ha tenido un excelente éxito en últimos años en EU y que hoy día bien puede decirse que compite con gigantes como walmart

Cual es la diferencia, tiene una filosofía detrás orientadas a la salud de las personas y no solo en hacer dinero

Además de esto su modelo de administración carece de fuertes jerarquías y tradicionales métodos de control. Se basa en un sistema descentralizado donde cada empleado es un tomador de decisiones


Ojalá el tiempo nos ayude a comprobar que empresas como esta donde la gente es tratada como tal pueden triunfar en un mundo donde el que no muerde es engullido

Aquí su mision, vision, etc...

Our Motto

Our motto — Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet — emphasizes that our vision reaches beyond food retailing. In fact, our deepest purpose as an organization is helping support the health, well-being, and healing of both people — customers, team members, and business organizations in general — and the planet.
Our Mission
Whole Foods

We obtain our products locally and from all over the world, often from small, uniquely dedicated food artisans. We strive to offer the highest quality, least processed, most flavorful and naturally preserved foods — because food in its purest state is the best tasting and most nutritious food available.
Whole People

We recruit the best people we can to become part of our team. We empower them to make their own decisions, creating a respectful workplace where people are treated fairly and are highly motivated to succeed. We look for people who are passionate about food. We also look for well-rounded human beings who will help build our locations into profitable and beneficial members of their communities.
Whole Planet

We recognize the connection between our lives, our communities and the environment. We continuously seek to balance our needs as people with the needs of our planet. We strive to support our local communities, practice sound environmental stewardship and fulfill our responsibilities as global citizens.
Our Core Values

* Selling the highest quality natural and organic products available
* Satisfying and delighting our customers
* Supporting Team Member happiness and excellence
* Creating wealth through profits and growth
* Caring about our communities and our environment
* Creating ongoing win-win partnerships with our suppliers

Our Quality Standards

* We carefully evaluate each and every product we sell.
* We feature foods that are free from artificial preservatives, colors, flavors, sweeteners and hydrogenated fats.
* We are passionate about great-tasting food and the pleasure of sharing it with each other.
* We are committed to foods that are fresh, wholesome and safe to eat.
* We seek out and promote organically grown foods.
* We provide food and nutritional products that support health and well-being.

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